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Showing posts from February, 2014

#9543 lanes in zebra crossings

This isn't really a problem yet, but I think it might make life easier. For high-volume pedestrian crossings, paint in black arrows into the white stripes that indicate 'lanes' for people to walk in when going across. Of course people will not follow these exactly, but I wonder if it would help the flow when they meet the mass of people coming from the other side.

#1801 Zipper goverment

If your government rates high on the corruption index and you would like to change that, how about this idea? Choose two governments that rank low on the corruption index (and I'm pretty sure that is closely linked with efficiency), we'll call them helper countries, and enter into a short-term arrangement where each government official in the high-corruption country (need country) is linked with an official each from the helper countries. No official influence can be made by the need official without being double counter-approval by the helper officials. At the same time whatever safeguards in the systems of the helper countries which makes corruption less desirable will be implemented in the need country.