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Showing posts from February, 2011

#5913 Polychronic watch

There are people who are late, and then there are people who are really late. Most of us have had a run with showing up 5 minutes late for a series of events - there's just too much to do in the time allotted. But then there are people who are really late - like hours late. I won't pretend to understand the science behind this, but I'll give these people a cop-out and say they are just running on polychronic time. I may be misunderstanding this, but for my purposes, I'll say it's looking at time like when you were a kid. You didn't know when the school bus came. You just waited until you mom said "your bus is here" and then you went outside. 7:52 meant nothing to you. I've occasionally relapsed into this mode as well, but I think the hour-laters are in it much more often. Enter the polychronic watch. It works thusly. You enter an appointment in your watch and it asks you a series of questions: what time the appointment is, how much time do you nee...