I saw in some DVD special feature that with each new film, Pixar tries to push the capabilities of computer animation. Here's the next one to push. Film dubbing in other languages has very high quality in terms of voices and acting, but the problem of lip-match perpetuates. "What can ya do?" we all say to this problem. Well, with computer animation it wouldn't be so hard to design a program that modifies the mouth and face of the character a bit to match certain vowel and consonant sounds. And while you're at it, why not replace the face and skin color of the character in certain situations to better match the audience? Obviously this wouldn't work everywhere, but how cool would that be to live in Mozambique and a brand new, top-of-the-line hollywood movie comes out, in portuguese, with mouths matching, and using Mozy-like characters?! Okay maybe the face thing would only work for like one movie as part of the gimmick. But the mouth thing could totally work.
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