If you're one of those people who absolutely must answer your phone no matter what meeting you're in, then this might at least avoid some embarrassment. You answer by pushing the green button, you push another button that plays a pre-recorded greeting in your voice to the caller that says "hello", then you decide to take it or not and push another button that either says "I'm in a meeting, hold on one second while I walk out of the room" or one that says "I'm actually in a meeting, can I call you back as soon as it's finished? Okay, thanks. Bye." And you never have to say a word out loud.
Have you ever been in a speech or something where the speaker fields questions from the audience? If you weren't in a UN-style microphone-at-every-seat equipped room, then you probably saw one or two saps running the microphone around to those asking questions. I was this sap recently in a press conference, and although I consider myself quite agile, it still delayed things and was noisy for the cameras (not to mention my beautimous profile when I had to run in front of them). I've also heard people bragging about shot-gun mics that can pick up someone's voice leagues away. Couldn't these work in this situation, where the sap can just stand at the front with headphones on and point the mic at whoever is talking? Maybe it wouldn't work so well in a football stadium, but surely a 20-person press conference could manage. Right?