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Showing posts from November, 2013

#1681 Pantry protector

A grocery service that  monitors  your pantry with an app that scans  bar codes  or let's you check off ingredients when you use them. Alerts you when things will expire or when you're going to run out. Could also be melded with a grocery service that prepares your basket for you with your staples before you come in. This breaks the "put the milk at the back of the store so you have to browse everything else first" model, but it could easily introduce a much more friendly "here's what you usually get and here's what we think you might like" concept. And of course you can have the pick up station at the back of the store too.

#5443 Gate opener

In the Philippines, rich people drive up to their gates and honk and wait for their househelp to come open it for them. Can these people be bothered to open their own gates? Of course not. Can they be bothered that they're bothering their neighbors? Not likely. Are they willing to wait long? Not at all. Are these people jerks? You said it, not me. What's a fantastic way to capitalize on this? Repurpose the wireless doorbell. All you need to do is increase the range of the doorbell signal to, let's say 500 meters if possible. Then change the look of the button to fit in a car ala garage door opener. Make the packaging say "Never wait for the gate and keep your neighbors from getting irate!" Make it look like this is what all rich people are using and also market it for neighbors who want to give a "secret" gift to their annoying honker neighbors without being confrontational. Obviously this could also easily be done with a phone app, but if people wer...