A grocery service that monitors your pantry with an app that scans bar codes or let's you check off ingredients when you use them. Alerts you when things will expire or when you're going to run out. Could also be melded with a grocery service that prepares your basket for you with your staples before you come in. This breaks the "put the milk at the back of the store so you have to browse everything else first" model, but it could easily introduce a much more friendly "here's what you usually get and here's what we think you might like" concept. And of course you can have the pick up station at the back of the store too.
Have you ever been in a speech or something where the speaker fields questions from the audience? If you weren't in a UN-style microphone-at-every-seat equipped room, then you probably saw one or two saps running the microphone around to those asking questions. I was this sap recently in a press conference, and although I consider myself quite agile, it still delayed things and was noisy for the cameras (not to mention my beautimous profile when I had to run in front of them). I've also heard people bragging about shot-gun mics that can pick up someone's voice leagues away. Couldn't these work in this situation, where the sap can just stand at the front with headphones on and point the mic at whoever is talking? Maybe it wouldn't work so well in a football stadium, but surely a 20-person press conference could manage. Right?